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City Hall

Since 1876, the administrative management of the Dona Isabel Colony was the responsibility of the “directors”, normally appointed. Thus, on the land where the City Hall is now located, a wooden house called “Casa da Directoria” was built. Where the immigrants were received, sent to their respective lots and also to the colony's first classroom.

The locality became “municipality of Bento Gonçalves” on October 23, 1890, and from 1892 onwards, its administration became the responsibility of Intendants and the Municipal Council. The first manager, appointed by the state government, was Colonel Antônio Joaquim Marques de Carvalho Júnior, who took over the administration for 32 consecutive years.

To house the Intendência, on September 20, 1902, the current City Hall building was inaugurated. It was designed by architects sent by the State, following the positivist style, with wooden openings carved by Paolo Balestreri.

The Bento Gonçalves da Silva Elementary School, a public primary school, created on March 15, 1910, also operated in the building for two decades. However, the space was becoming small and inadequate as the population grew and due to the fact that in the building the Court and the jail also functioned. Thus, in 1936, the School was transferred to its own property, and was renamed General Bento Gonçalves da Silva State Elementary School from 2000 onwards.


MUNICIPAL CHAMBER OF BENTO GONÇALVES (Municipality). Draft Resolution No. 02/2010, 2010. Draft Resolution No. 02, dated March 9, 2010: Grants Ordinance of Praise and Thanks to the General Bento Gonçalves da Silva Elementary School. Bento Gonçalves. Available at:

CAPRARA, Bernadette Schiavo; LUCHESE, Terciane Angela. From Dona Isabel Colony to the Municipality of Bento Gonçalves 1875 to 1930 - Bento Gonçalves: VISOGRAF; Porto Alegre: CORAG - Companhia Riograndense de Artes Gráficas, 2005.

PARIS, Assumed from. The first mayor of Bento Gonçalves. Weekly. Bento Gonçalves. June 30 2018. Available at: https://jornal

SCUSSEL, Claudia Luci. Becoming a Teacher: Paths, Stories and Teaching Memories in Bento Gonçalves (1930-1960). 2011. 162 f. Dissertation (Masters) - History and Philosophy of Education, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, 2011. Available at: 20Luci%20Scussel.pdf?sequence=1.

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