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Santo Antônio Sanctuary

Religion was essential for immigrants considering the scenario of adversity in which they found themselves, the traditions brought from their country and for allowing, in addition to socialization, cultural manifestation. Thus, the first Mass was celebrated in 1876 by Fr. Bartolomeu Tiecher. At the end of the same year, a wooden chapel was built with the help of immigrants.

In 1877, the Chaplain Fr. Domênico Munari arrived in the colony and the church was replaced by another one made of bricks and stones. The following year, the 1st Feast in Honor of the Patron Saint Antônio de Padua was celebrated, chosen because of his devotion to immigrants. In 1884, the parish of Colonia was recognized by the Canonical Erection, which elevated it to the category of Igreja Matriz Santo Antônio. In 1890, the church was built, which remains until today, with some adaptations. It was completed between 1894 and 1895, with the support of the community with financial resources and labor.  

From 1912, under the coordination of Fr. Domingos Henrique Poggi, the community's first newspaper, “I'll Corriere D'Itália” began to circulate in order to spread religious and parish information and in 1996, it was replaced by “Boa News".

In 1922, the church began to be expanded. The works ended after a year, featuring the architecture as it is today: eclectic style, three front niches for placing images, being Jesus Christ at the top, Nossa Senhora das Graças and São Francisco de Assis on the sides and, above the central door, the representation of the “eye of providence” symbolizing the Holy Trinity.

In 1933, the current bell tower was inaugurated, designed by the mayor João Baptista Pianca (1924-1928), housing 4 bells brought from Bassano, Italy. They had been ordered in 1884 from Pietro Cobalchini's factory, weighing 1000kg, 800kg, 500kg and 300kg and their names were registered as Isabel, Antônio, Maria and José. The structure of the bell tower has three external plaques honoring engineer Pianca; Bishop Dom João Batista Becker, who celebrated the inauguration of the building, and Father Antônio Zattera, who won popular support in the construction process. At the top of the tower is a clock, which since 1933 has been declared a public utility property.

In 1934, the institution had a high degree from Headquarters to the Diocesan Sanctuary of Santo Antônio. Ten years later, the plastic artist Ângelo Lazzarini, began to carry out the internal mural paintings, with the support of the community. The contributors' names are present below the murals, stained glass and decorative paintings.

In 2007, the Sanctuary was listed as a historical heritage of the municipality and the restoration of its architecture began, completed in 2014. Throughout the process, a reproduction of the Immaculate Conception of Graces was found on the roof of the central nave, dated 1912, painted by Paolo Balestreri

The church has participated in the consolidation of the community since the arrival of immigrants, contributing to different sectors. This can be seen from the creation, in 1937, of the Círculo Operário Bento-Gonçalvense and the reception of the Pastorinhas in 1953, who provided assistance to the population. The parish also has a significant influence on the educational and social development of Bento Gonçalves, since in 1915, the parish priest mediated the arrival of the Sisters of São Carlos de Borromeo in order to install the Colégio Nossa Senhora Medianeira and participated in the process of the arrival of the Marist Brothers who founded Colégio Marista Aparecida in 1940.


BIGOLIN, Izidoro; MAZZOTTI, Fabiano. Amé, Bento Gonçalves: Churches and Chapels of this land. Bento Gonçalves, 2012. 120 p.

After seven years under construction, the Diocesan Sanctuary of Santo Antônio, in Bento, is handed over to the community. Pioneer. Bento Gonçalves. May 30, 2014. Available at: -in-bento-and-delivered-to-the-community-4512864.html.

Santo Antônio Sanctuary turns 85 years old. Integration. Bento Gonçalves, p.2-5. Available at:

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