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Tacchini Hospital

At the beginning of colonization, those who provided assistance to the sick in Dona Isabel were the “practitioners”, who had some experience with medical care. It was also common to use natural teas and healing practices, such as blessing.

Despite this, it was the responsibility of government entities to take care of the colonists' health, which was not happening according to the reports of the period. There were doctors running away from their duty, professionals from other areas working in the sector, shortage of medicines, smallpox outbreaks and especially, lack of resources in the community to cover medical expenses.

With the increase of the population, it was decided to appoint the apothecary Germano Berner, to attend free of charge, in his own house. He worked for a year, until the doctor Helcias Ricardo de Oliveira was hired in 1896.

From then onwards, only graduated professionals took over the position of municipal physician. Midwives continued to exercise their role, and because of their importance, the authorities ordered them to acquire a license to work.

In 1911, the Italian physician Dr. Bartholomeu Tacchini took charge of the post. He served for 5 years, until returning to Italy to serve in the military, returning to Bento Gonçalves in 1918.

It should be noted that, in cases of more serious illnesses, the patients had to be transported to the Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, or they were treated at the Casa de Saúde, which was located at the Mutual Help Society Rainha Margarida, directed by Tacchini and Vico Barbieri, with just 14 rooms.

The space started to become small with the population growth, which bothered Dr. Tacchini, to the point of even considering returning to his homeland. Word spread and some of the immigrants joined a commission to raise funds to build the new hospital that would bear the doctor's name. They achieved their goals and in 1925 the foundation stone of the hospital was laid.

With the help of João Baptista Pianca, who designed the building free of charge, and the community who helped with the labor, the hospital was inaugurated in 1927, covering 450 square meters. Dr. Tacchini died in 1936, as a result of laryngeal cancer, and was buried as he wished, next to the hospital chapel.

The Tacchini Hospital is still the main one in the city, being a reference in the entire gaúcha mountains.


CAPRARA, Bernadette Schiavo; LUCHESE, Terciane Angela. From Dona Isabel Colony to the Municipality of Bento Gonçalves 1875 to 1930 - Bento Gonçalves: VISOGRAF; Porto Alegre: CORAG - Companhia Riograndense de Artes Gráficas, 2005.

LOPES, Rodrigo. Bartholomeu Tacchini and 95 years at the hospital. Pioneer. Bento Gonçalves. set. 2019. Available at: .html.

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