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Bus station

In 1877, Colonia Dona Isabel already had about nine commercial houses, most of them located on Linha Geral, a central road, but there were difficulties in getting around and communicating with other colonies and regions. In 1882, Rua Buarque de Macedo was completed, with more than 60 kilometers, connecting Dona Isabel to São João de Montenegro, which boosted the local economy.

The opening of roads was essential for the community, as there were families who lived far from the population centers, needing to travel to buy and sell products and also to participate in social events, such as religious celebrations. Transport was mainly carried out by means of cargo animals and carts, which was made difficult because the roads were paved.

The city's first bus dates back to 1918, a Model T Ford owned by the brothers Theodolindo and Henrique Valduga. Few had cars in the city, attracting attention wherever they went.

In the interior of the Colony, ways were also being opened. From 1930 onwards, the number of vehicles increased and in 1945 the first street, Marechal Deodoro, was paved. Gradually, other streets were paved and widened, overcoming a complicated scenario, where in dry periods there was a lot of dust, and in rainy periods, a lot of mud.

The first urban bus, an adapted 1946 International Truck, was owned by Antônio Guindani, with a fare of 1,500 réis to go from the center of Bento Gonçalves to São Roque, hence the nickname “1,500”.

In the 1940s, the still active urban transport company, Bento Transportes, emerged. Founded by the brothers Orestes and Isidoro Toniolo, they initially covered the stretch of the Eulália Line, from the interior of the city to the central area, in a Ford Super Luxe, model 1947, for 5 passengers. In 1948, they already had a Ford Jardineira, for 25 passengers. Also in the field of urban transport, in 1965, Transporte Coletivo Santo Antônio LTDA was created by Leonel Giordani, which is also active.

The first bus station was located on Rua Barão do Rio Branco, between the 1930s and 1950s. In the 1960s, it was transferred to the corner of Rua 13 de Maio and Rua Júlio de Castilhos.

With the realization of the first Fenavinho in 1967, the city had national visibility, which had an impact on several sectors, influencing the paving of the city's streets.


CINI, Aldo; ROCHA, Ana Augusta; FROM PARIS, Assunta. 20TH CENTURY MEMORIES OF BENTO GONÇALVES. São Paulo: Auana Editora, 2013. 146 p. Available at:

MESTURINI, Janquiel. 100 years Center of Industry, Commerce and Services. Bento Gonçalves: 2014. 168 p.

Our story. Available at:

About the Company: family history. Family History. Available at: .

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