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Alliance Club

Clube Aliança, as an institution, emerged in 1906, founded by traditional members of Bento Gonçalves, and is the oldest civil society in the municipality. The first headquarters was inaugurated in 1909 in what is now Praça Walter Galassi, but was transferred to the building on Via del Vino in 1946. It was popularly known as “The Aristocratic” or “Casa Cor de Rosa”, due to the color of its building.

The space held debutante balls, weddings, meetings of the aristocratic society, gala dinners, movie sessions and carnivals. The place was very popular, especially in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, where every weekend there was a nightclub.

Also, it was where the meeting that culminated in the foundation of the Sports Club took place. As a result, there were also numerous celebrations of victories and campaigns to raise funds for trips to championships.

In 1954, the Club's swimming pools were inaugurated, a landmark event, which included the choice of the Queen of the Pool, which still occurs today. The “aqualoucos”, a group of young men who performed acrobatics, were presented at the ceremony.

In terms of architecture, the façade has a sign, floral ornaments and an antenna on the front, constituting an art deco style. Internally, it has a hall that gives access to the second floor, where the main hall is located. It also has a mezzanine comprising the third floor and basement with space for nightclubs and games.


CINI, Aldo; ROCHA, Ana Augusta; FROM PARIS, Assunta. 20TH CENTURY MEMORIES OF BENTO GONÇALVES. São Paulo: Auana Editora, 2013. 146 p. Available at:

COSTA, Ana Elisia da; STUMPP, Monika; SARTORI, Roberta. Architecture for leisure: cinemas and clubs in Serra Gaúcha, from 1930 to 1970. 9th Seminar Docomomo Brasil: interdisciplinarity and experiences in documentation and preservation of recent heritage. Brasilia, Jun. 2011. 1. Available at:

OLIVEIRA, Rodrigo Lopes de. Clube Aliança, a tradition of Bento Gonçalves. ClicRBS. 25 apr. 2015. Available at:,1,1,,,35.

SASSI, William. Clube Esportivo Bento Gonçalves: memories of a traditional club in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. 2012. 35 f. TCC (Graduate) - Physical Education Course, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2012. Available at:

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